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Dayoo Advanced Ceramic Co.,Ltd
Casa. > prodotti > Allumina ceramica > High Mechanical Strength Alumina Ceramic Components Alumina Aluminium Oxide

High Mechanical Strength Alumina Ceramic Components Alumina Aluminium Oxide

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alumina aluminium oxide high mechanical strength


high mechanical strength alumina ceramic components

High Mechanical Strength Alumina Ceramic Components Alumina Aluminium Oxide

High Mechanical Strength Alumina Ceramic Components Alumina Aluminium Oxide 0


Alumina ceramics are the most widely used materialsin the variety of fine ceramics,which after being subject to a sintering process,feature the same crystalstructure(AlzO3)as sapphire and ruby.These materials are used in a wide range of industrialfields due to their superb material characteristics suchas high electrical insulation,high mechanical strength,and high wear-and chemical-resistance.